Barack Obama - Platform
Barack Obama Religion)
Barack Obama was elected on a liberal platform in 2008. Since then, his social,
foreign policy and economic platforms have evolved even further liberal than the
platform on which he campaigned and was elected.
The social platform of Barack Obama continues to promote abortion (see
Obama &
Abortion) and homosexual "marriage" (see
Obama & Marriage),
and has
been implemented through executive actions, supreme court
appointments (see
Ages of Supreme Court Justices), repealing of the
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy in our military, continued
funding of Planned Parenthood, and vigorous prosecution by his Justice department,
including of sidewalk counselors near abortion clinics.
President Barack Obama's foreign policy platform, which sought to extricate
America from the
wars in the Middle East and pivot to Asia, underestimated the threat from Islam, is reshaping the
Image of America, as well
as Islam (see
what the West needs to know), and is influenced by his
religion (see
Barack Obama religion).
The economic platform of President Obama
relies on expanding
our national debt, which is growing without restraint (see
America in Decline).
While awaiting President Obama's replies to the questions below, view his current
rating, as well
as the current rating of
Joe Biden,
Hillary Clinton
and the other
presidential candidates.
21. What is your position on a Constitutional ban on
abortion, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
22. What is your position on a Constitutional ban on
homosexual marriage, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
23. What is your position on embryonic stem cell research, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
24. What is your position on prayers and Bible studies in schools, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
25. What is your position on
capital punishment, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
26. If elected, the ban on what type of
guns, if any, would you support, and why?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
27. If elected, what will you do about (
Internet) pornography, and how?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
28. If elected, what will you do about the
healthcare system, and how?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
29. If elected, what will you seek to achieve in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and how?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)
30. If elected, what will you seek to achieve in
Iran and North Korea, and how?
Barack Obama: (reply pending)