Ron Paul Rating

Ron Paul - Rating

Ron Paul Ratings(continued from Ron Paul's Platform)

Our rating of Congressman Ron Paul's candidacy for the presidency remains unchanged (Ron Paul's presidential candidacy ratings for 2008 and 2012 are as below).

Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist who has served in the Congress three times for a total of 22 years since 1976. He also served in the US Air Force and Air National Guard.

In stark contrast to Mitt Romney, who has flip-flopped passionately on almost every major issue, Ron Paul is a man of conscience who has been a steady advocate of small government, fiscal responsibility and international isolationism.

While Congressman Paul is not the Christian President America needs today, he is a rare politician who has held true to his convictions. But the America he wants to lead is from a bygone era.

For example, Ron Paul wants there to be no laws concerning healthcare and instead wants to entrust Christian churches to care for the sick who are broke and uninsured. It would be great if the churches were able to take on that task and give credit for their good works to Christ.

Sadly, the days when our churches could shoulder such a burden are long past. Weakened by false preachers, building mortgages and other unbiblical obligations, they are often unable to care for their own congregants, let alone reach out to those in need in the wider community.

Ron Paul's utopian isolationist foreign policy also grossly underestimates the ambitions of communist China, Russia and Islam (See Christian God).

While awaiting his answers, our rating of the Ron Paul candidacy for president is a C.